"What, you're asking, is "Sturmkatze Produktions AG?" Well, we're a small design house located in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. And "What?" you're asking, "do you design?" Well, mostly we do websites... Reenactor unit websites being our Forté. We try to help those reenacting units, non-profit organizations, clubs and small businesses that want to get "up on the Web."
The Internet can be an extremely effective tool for the reenacting unit, along with the small business, non-profit organizations or clubs in that it gives you more "bang for your buck." Instead of spending money you don't have on newsletters, mailings or "one-time" advertising for your business, with a website, you can get 24/7, constant "updateable" content that can be viewed by an unlimited number of visitors--the potential recruits, new members or customers you are looking for.
Let Sturmkatze make your presence on the Internet easy, inexpensive, positive, image enhancing and profitable. We offer special package deals that will give you a great professional presence on the web for a fraction of what most design houses charge.